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MOHE: DK061 (B)

Diploma in Early Childhood Education
[N/0112/4/0056] (PA16935) (1/1/2029)
Diploma in Early Childhood focuses on the comprehensive study of child development, education, and care for children from birth to around eight years old.
Registration Fee:
RM 500
Programme Fee:
RM 14,500
Total Fees:
RM 15,000
*Exam Retake fees to be confirmed later*
January | February | April | May | August | September
Duration: 2 Years including Industry Training
Mode of Study: Full time
Exams and Assesments
Assignment & Quizzes (60%)
Final Exams (40%)
What we Offer?
Free Hostel For all Students
PTPTN loan and Student Allowances will be provided for students who have enrolled
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